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Scheduling Automatic Data Pushes to Zoho CRM

G-Connector for Zoho CRM features support for complete offline data pushes (mass update or mass creation of records).

Automatic data pushes are an amazing way to have a central spreadsheet for data entry that is synced with Zoho CRM on a schedule.

Before scheduling an automatic Push operation, your worksheet has to contain at least one template. Click here to learn about templates.

When an automatic Push operation runs, it goes through every sheet (tab) in your workbook and executes all templates that exists there one by one in the order defined in the Template Manager. The sheets (tabs) are processed one by one also, left to right. The operation results are written to the Automatic Data Operations Log sheet.

To schedule an automatic data push, select Schedule Automatic Data Operations from the G-Connector for Zoho CRM menu. The following dialog box will be displayed:

Select the Push Data action to schedule an automatic push.

You have an option to schedule data pushes for one time, hourly, daily, or weekly (on specific days only). A couple of considerations when using auto-push:

  • Make sure the mappings in the push template are set up correctly
  • Make sure the push template is set up correctly and is enabled for automatic pushes.
  • Automatic data pushes will only work on the original worksheet that you pulled the Zoho CRM data into. If you create a copy of your worksheet – you will need to create a separate schedule for that sheet.
  • Automatic data operations will always run as the user who scheduled it. If you share a document and another user with access to G-Connector re-schedules the auto-push, the data will be refreshed both by the original user and using the new user scheduled it.
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