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Updating Existing Records in Zoho CRM from Google Sheets

To update records in Zoho CRM in bulk, you will first need to pull them to your Google Spreadsheet. You can do it via the Get Module Data menu item.

In our example here we’ll use G-Connector to update the stage of a number of Deals.
Please note that we’re pulling record IDs. A column of record IDs is required to be able to update records in Zoho CRM.

We got the following results back from our sample database:

Now we want to change the stage of all deals to Closed Won. After the stage has been changed we’ll select the rows of data so that the selection spans across all the records that we want to update (it doesn’t matter if the selection spans across one or multiple columns):

Then we’ll click Add-ons -> G-Connector for Zoho CRM -> Update / Insert. The system already knows what module the data was pulled from, that is why the Deal module will be already selected. The Update operation is the default one, so you won’t need to change that too:

G-Connector will try to automatically map your spreadsheet columns to the corresponding fields in Zoho CRM, and because we pulled data the same tool – in this case it will map all columns correctly. However, please verify the mappings each time before proceeding with an update and re-map if necessary. Incorrect mappings may lead to unrecoverable data loss!

The top table in the mapping dialog lists all available fields from the selected module. You can map your spreadsheet columns to fields in Zoho CRM by dragging fields from the top table and dropping them on the column names in the bottom table.

Please note that we are only selecting the Id and Stage columns using the checkboxes on the left. This will ensure that only the Stage Name field gets modified, nothing else. Using these checkboxes you can always control which columns in your spreadsheet will get uploaded to Zoho CRM>

Click on Save Template to save the current mappings and other settings in this dialog box as a template for future re-use (optional).

After you’ve verified your mappings and re-mapped if necessary, you you need to do is click Push Selected Rows, and all the Opportunity records will get updated.

After the Update operation has been completed, you’ll see the operation results on the very right from your data, one column over after the last data column:

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