XL-Connector Editions Pricing

XL-Connector is your ultimate solution for working with Salesforce.com data.

The same license will provide access to premium features in both XL-Connector and XL-Connector 365.



Pull unlimited reports from Salesforce.com

Pull any data from Salesforce.com using SOQL

Refresh data from Salesforce.com in one sheet at a time


Team Player

Pull and refresh unlimited data from SFDC (SOQL and Reports)*

Create/Update/Delete data in SFDC based on a template previously created in Enterprise Admin

* Visibility of all features to the end user can be turned on/off centrally.

** Supported by the Windows version of XL-Connector only


Enterprise Admin

Most popular

Pull and refresh unlimited data from SFDC (SOQL and Reports)

Schedule automatic offline data refresh, mass-updates, and mass record creation*

Mass Create/Update/Delete Records

Query Salesforce.com database to fill gaps in Excel data row by row**

Mass-merge Contacts, Accounts, and Leads

Mass Convert Leads

Create templates that make mass data manipulation in Salesforce a breeze for your non IT users

A variety of tools to help Salesforce administrators in their day-to-day work:**

  • Salesforce Fields Manager
  • Field-Level Security Manager
  • Layout Analyzer
  • Field Utilization Calculator
  • Picklist Values Manager
  • Validation Rules Manager
  • Workflow Rules Manager
  • Custom Metadata Manager
  • Flows and Processes manager
  • Picklists manager
  • Fields manager
  • Field-level Security manager
  • Object Access manager
  • Tab Visibility manager

We'll hold your hand while you're creating your first template (up to 2 hours of individual coaching).

* Supported by XL-Connector365 only

** Supported by the Windows version of XL-Connector only

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