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Create New Records in Salesforce from an Excel spreadsheet

With XL-Connector you can easily insert new records to Salesforce directly from an Excel spreadsheet in a few simple steps. No csv hassle or manual labour.

Easily create new records in Salesforce with XL-Connector

To create new records in Salesforce you will only need a spreadsheet with your data.

In this example we’ll load Contacts as this is probably the most common scenario in any CRM. Here’s the spreadsheet that we need to load:

To load the above contacts do the following:

  1. Log in to Salesforce by clicking the Log in button (you can also use Web Login).
  2. Select values in Excel so that your selection spans across all rows, e.g.:
  3. Click Insert in the XL-Connector ribbon.
  4. Click OK in the information dialog box.
  5. In the mapping dialog, select the object you’re loading records into in the next dialog box, in this case the object is Contact.
  6. Then map your Excel columns to fields in Salesforce by dragging fields from the top table and dropping them on the columns in the bottom table. In our example the mappings will look as follows:
  7. Now click Insert and your contacts will be loaded into Salesforce under the corresponding accounts. You’ll note that XL-Connector provides the ID numbers for the newly created records or error messages explaining why not, to the right of your original spreadsheet rows, one column over.

Watch our tutorial video:

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