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How to log into Salesforce using G-Connector

This article will show you how to log into Salesforce from G-Connector within your Google Sheets environment in a few easy steps.

Follow these steps for logging into Salesforce from G-Connector:

1. When you first open your spreadsheet, the G-Connector for Salesforce menu will show these options:


2. If you click Login, a dialog box will open, where you will be able to select ‘Production‘ or ‘Sandbox.’


3. After you select the corresponding radio button and click the Login menu item, a dialog box will open where you’ll be able to authenticate with Salesforce.com.


4. If you are using a custom URL to access your Salesforce org, click the ‘Use Custom Domain’ button at the bottom right.

On the Salesforce side there’s also a set of permissions we need you to give us. We need to have access to your data in order to pull it to Google Sheets and push back to Salesforce. In order to be able to refresh your data on a schedule, we need to be able to keep a refresh token and have access to your Salesforce data offline.

All communications between G-Connectorand and Salesforce.com are encrypted, performed over a secure HTTPS connection over the latest TLS protocol supported by Google Apps Script and Salesforce API. If you have further questions on safety in G-Connector please visit: https://www.xappex.com/security/

An alternative option to Login

Another option to login is clicking Launch in G-Connector’s dropdown menu. This will open a sidebar panel:


You can follow the same process mentioned above: select the corresponding ‘Production‘ or ‘Sandbox‘ radio button, authenticate with Salesforce.com or click ‘Use custom domain‘ if you are using a custom URL to access your Salesforce org.

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