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How to assign a Salesforce lookup to any cell in Excel

XL-Connector 365’s Context tab allows to assign a lookup to any cell in an Excel workbook, immediately turning it into a window into your Salesforce instance.

To assign a lookup to any cell, follow these steps:

  • Select the cell in your spreadsheet and click on the Context tab:
  • Click on the Assign Lookup to turn the selected cell into a record lookup control:
  • Once this is set up, any user of this workbook with XL-Connector 365 installed will be able to search for a specific Account record in Salesforce and populate cell B1 (in the example above) with the Account name, and cell C1 – with the Account Id.With this setup (for example), you can use the account Id cell as a reference in an SOQL query and populate the sheet with all Opportunities belonging to the Account selected using the Lookup feature:

    Using Salesforce Record Lookup in a Data Table

    If the Assign Lookup button is clicked when the selection is inside of a data table in the worksheet – the Lookup will get assigned to the whole data table column. You will also be able to specify the column to hold record Ids, so when a lookup cell is populated, the Id column in the same data table row will get populated as well.

    Please make sure that the data table is not associated with any flow step as assigning lookups to cells or tables does not work inside of a data range that is associated with a flow step.

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